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What are We Learning?

Most of our little ones' learning is done through play, as research has consistently shown that this is the best way for young children to learn. Our adults will model appropriate play, and help our little stars to learn as much as they can, whilst having fun. We pride ourselves on how well we all get to know each other; every adult understands what each child is capable of already, and will plan their learning around that.

As well as following the children's interests, we have some general themes around which some of the activities and carpet times are planned, you can see what these are below:

Autumn 1: 

Magnificent Me!

Autumn 2:

Colour and Light, and Let's Celebrate!

Spring 1:

Ready, Steady, Off We Go!

Spring 2:

Once upon a Time

Summer 1:

Come outside!

Summer 2:

Earth explorers