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Nursery - All Stars

Hello and welcome to the Upperby Allstars Nursery!!

Our Nursery Teacher is called Mr Stokes and our Nursery Teaching Assistants are Miss McHard and Mrs Reid.

Our fab yard additions

Upperby is very lucky to have amazing teaching assistants- two of them, Mrs Fleming and Mrs Simpson from Year 6 made us a very noisy and super fun music station, and an incredible tool station, full of all sorts of locks, knobs and pulleys. We're having great fun making music and exploring.

Did you know that as well as being good fun, knowing lots of songs helps us become super readers? Exploring handles, locks and other things that require our finger muscles, is vital in getting ready to be writers. This isn't 'just' play, this is what literacy looks like in the Early Years!

Our classroom

Our lovely classroom has been looking a little bit tired recently- it's no surprise because it's so well used by our busy children. We've been thinking about how we can make it more inviting for our children, and have started updating some of our areas. We've got some more exciting additions on the way, but thought you might like to see our new self service art table, our playdough cafe, dressing up, and dinosaur suitcase 

Mud, glorious mud!

There's nothing more exciting than a great big muddy puddle to jump in, and we love getting mucky in nursery- so when we found a great big muddy puddle at school, we put our wellies and waterproofs on and went investigating!

Our little Allstars are always busy finding interesting things to do, inside and outside...where would you like to play with your friends?