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Information for all Parents

DfE Relationships Education and Health Education Statutory Requirements
End of Primary School Statements

The Department for Education highlights topics and core content statements to be covered by the end of primary school. Schools are free to determine how and when to deliver the content.

We've mapped our PSHE lessons to the new Relationships and Health Education curriculum, continuing to use many of the resources we've already used for the past few years. 

The DfE don't expect every statement to be covered every year. 

Our lessons are carefully planned as part of a spiral curriculum, covering all subjects in an age-appropriate way. Some lessons provide the fundamental building blocks needed for children to achieve the end of primary school outcomes, relating indirectly to those outcomes.

Our resources are flexible. They can be tailored to our pupils' precise needs, without being too prescriptive. Relationships and Health Education is taught within a wider programme of PSHE education. We aim to provide a comprehensive and effective PSHE Education curriculum. 

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