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Autumn Term

8.12.22 - Be an Internet Legend Day





Design and Technology - Can we design and create a strong house for the three little pigs? 

Computing - Creating a picture of a story using sketchpad on the laptops (2.12.22)

Three Little Pigs activities- role play, exploring building materials, making shape houses, house labels and story features

Anti-bullying week - circle time ‘what makes a good friend?’ Activity- unkind, tease or bully?

15.11.22 - Geography, finding out what geography is all about

In Maths this week, we’ve been finding number bonds within 10

14.11.22 - Schools Council question ‘if you were being bullied, would you know what to do?’

14.11.22 - A special visit from Pudsey Bear

8.11.22 Design Technology - The children have been exploring how split pins can be used as a mechanism to make the parts of their paper bears move. They used the single hole punch tool to make holes where needed and joined the parts with split pins.

7.11.22 - Creating poppies for our school Remembrance display

4.11.22 Computing- In computing we learned about what a computer is, and which items at home have computers in them and which items don't have them in. We also talked about passwords and why we need to log in to programmes.

3.11.22 - Autumn Stay and Play

2.11.22 - Maths, part-whole models

1.11.22 Our Phunky Food lead, Claire, led an exciting cooking workshop with Neverland on how to prepare a healthy 'super crunch' breakfast! It was delicious!

31.10.22 Art - Inspired by the work of Yayoi Kusama, the children created some wonderful observational drawings of pumpkins using thick and thin black pens and then in true Yayoi style added lots of dots!

18.10.22 Our Year 4 Phunky Food ambassadors came into Neverland to lead a fun session/activity about having a healthy breakfast each morning!

14.10.22 In Art this week, we have been learning about our three primary colours of red, blue and yellow. We used playdough to mix these colours in different ways to make new secondary colours!

12.10.22 - Tullie House Museum, Toys and Games from the Past Workshop

Maths - Less than < Greater than > Equal to =

11.10.22 - Session with author and illustrator Nick Butterworth

In our history lesson we've been comparing 'Old Bear' and 'New Bear', looking closely at their similarities and differences.

We looked at the artist Beatriz Milhazes, who used circles to make abstract art. We made our own abstract art using circles!

22.9.22 In RE we have been discussing the question ‘what does a ‘creator’ do?’ The children were set the challenge to create something that they could share with others in class.

15.9.22 In science we have begun to identify and name a variety of everyday materials. Our challenge was to use the ‘feely box’ to describe a material without looking.

In Art, we've been exploring lines. We used string, pencils and oil pastels to create different types of lines.

This week we have been reading ‘The Colour Monster’ and finding out how our class is feeling during circle time.